
Great Stories Still Reign Supreme In Video Games

Earlier this year, I was beginning to lose faith in this current generation of gamer. The youth seem to be enthralled with games that lack a certain aspect that drove me to play so many games when I was young. That aspect is the inclusion of a great story.


Fortnite is undoubtedly the most popular game this year, and for good reason. Fortnite is an amazingly crafted game with devs that find new ways to make it fresh for its consistent player base. Most people found out about Fortnite because it was a free shooter, so it was easy for people to get their friends to play it. People stayed because of the dances, building, and costumes. Epic Games had a killer marketing strategy for this game.


However, after a while, Fortnite is all you would hear people talk about. Every store I went to I saw at least one child doing the floss dance. Anytime I went to N4G or IGN, there was another article talking about the controversy surrounding the shooter. Even when going to bars, I would occasionally hear adults talk about buying their children V-bucks in exchange for chores in their house.


Games Are Changing


Behind all the well deserved Fortnite hype. After all the talk about people suing Epic Games because of their dances. Despite all the noise surrounding the battle royale genre. We were still able to make room for some of the most enticing story-based games of this generation.

If you think about it, it makes sense that the youth doesn’t want to invest a huge amount of time into games like Red Dead Redemption 2 or God of War since they take so much time to progress through. Even though I don’t like using this term often, they are still considered millennials. Everything is at a much faster pace now with instant results. From Uber Eats to instant messaging, everything in life is much faster now! As a result, we are losing the luster of progressing through difficult video games with long stories, and Devs are creating games in response to the what the youth wants. Just take the absence of a story mode from Black Ops 4 as an example.


Staying True To A Great Story

god of war


Despite the future generation of gamers craving games that allow them to drop in and out of games such as Fortnite and Call of Duty, there are still Devs out there who want to create some of the most enriching stories possible for gamers. Think about God of War, Red Dead Redemption 2, Spiderman, and Life is Strange 2. All of these games have a basis of a great story mode with great gameplay peppered throughout to keep players interested during their single-player experience.


These games give me hope that there are still many more gamers out there who have the capability of enjoying a story based game. Which means sales for these types of games will continue, allowing Devs to continue pouring hours of grueling work into writing these stories.

With the Game of the Year going to God of War, it shows that the vast majority appreciate a well-developed story over fast-paced gameplay. I hope Devs will look at what Sony Santa Monica did with God of War and go against the grain every once in a while to deliver gamers with a brand new experience.


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  • Curry

    Curry is the creator and head writer of Gritty Gamer. Any editing needs Gritty Gamer has is done by Curry including podcast episodes, YouTube Videos, and sound production. On his free time Curry is hanging out with his siberian husky while playing video games or watching anime.