
Ranking All 12 Deathloop Weapons From Worst to Best

Say what you want about Deathloop but you can’t deny that many people are having a lot of fun unraveling the mystery of this 1980s style shooter. Everything from the character dialogue, special powers, and dynamic gameplay bring players back to Blackreef time and time again for more neck-breaking fun. One of the main things that make Deathloop so dynamic is the variety of weapons players can add to their loadout before each mission.

So here is a list ranking the Deathloop weapons from worst to best.

12. MG-1 Pepper Mill

deathloop weapons MG-1-pepper-mill-1

The MG-1″Pepper Mill” is essentially your minigun for the 1980s. When Colt finds himself face to face with a room full of enemies, it’s best to just pull the trigger and don’t let go. That’s because this gun does a great job of clearing out enemies directly in front of you, but if multiple targets are coming from all directions, this gun will suddenly drop in usefulness quickly. Since this weapon lacks diversity in intense situations, it takes the medal for the worst gun in the game.

Best used for: Clearing enemies in front of Colt

11. Rapier

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The Rapier is a single-shot sniper that packs a punch but takes a while to reload. For those of you who want to play through each level in stealth, you should consider leaving the Rapier on the rack. However, the Rapier can be a useful gun if you get the right variant for it. One perk that makes this gun a lot better is the exploding headshot ability.

Because this gun is loud and slow to reload, this weapon isn’t the best option for many players. Unless you have a plan in which a long-distance weapon is needed for a visionary kill, this weapon runs out of use just as fast as the MG-1 Pepper Mill.

Best used for: Long Distance

10. Tribunal

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The Tribunal is a semi-automatic pistol that can be used to swiftly dish out headshots to all the opposing eternalists. Like many of the pistols in this game, you have to aim for the head or you’ll end up getting frustrated when you waste a full clip on body shots and not take out the enemy. The Tribunal is a straightforward weapon that you can easily get out of trouble with.

Best used for: basic combat situations

9. Vopat Trencher

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The Vopat Trencher is your typical pump shotgun. It shoots pretty slow but it packs a mean punch, as you would expect. There’s not a whole lot to say about this gun, except that all you really need to do is actually hit your target with one shot almost anywhere and that’s usually enough to turn them into a pile of colorful mist.

Best used for: a few enemies during close combat

8. Fourpounder

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The Fourpounder is a high-caliber weapon that has a heavy recoil but does heavy damage. If your goal is to be quick and go loud, this gun is the right choice for you. You can pretty much take out most enemies with a well place upper-body shot. Just be ready for that kick-back after each shot.

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7. LIMP-10

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The LIMP-10 is a full auto SMG that has a lot of “spray and pray” potential when Colt is surrounded. When dual-wielding two LIMP-10s Colt can easily take out a bunch of eternalists quickly if your aim is true. One thing you will notice is that the LIMP-10 runs out of ammo quite fast, but that can easily be countered with the right weapon trinket to add more bullets to the clip. More bullets, more firepower, more fun!

Best used for: intense combat situations

6. Strelak 50-50

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The Strelak 50-50 is my favorite weapon for taking out a bunch of enemies up-close quickly. This semi-automatic shotgun shoots fast and packs a huge punch to go along with it. This is the best weapon to have in Colt’s arsenal whenever you are spotted and you need to clear a path for yourself. The Strelak 50-50 shreds through enemies (especially if you have the right trinkets) and the reload time isn’t as bad as some of the other guns.

Best used for: clearing out enemies quickly

5. PT-6 Spiker

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One of the very first guns Colt will pick up in the game, the PT-6 Spiker is the best gun for those who want to stay incognito when exploring Black Reef. This gun should stay in Colt’s arsenal at all times because of its versatility. The main goal when using this gun is to get a headshot, this usually results in a “one-shot one-kill” situation, depending on the range. The best part is that when you miss, enemies still have a hard time pinpointing your location, giving you another chance to hit the nail on the head.

Best used for: stealth runs

Alright, we got through all of the basic Deathloop weapons, it’s time to go through the 4 Deathloop legendary weapons. The legendary weapons in Deathloop all feature a special perk that will give Colt an extra advantage during battle.

Deathloop Legendary Weapons

The legendary weapons in Deathloop all have a special perk that makes them more versatile than all of the other Deathloop weapons on this list, which is why they outrank all of the rest. As of right now, there are only 4 legendaries, but that’s more than enough to cause some mayhem for the eternalists roaming around Black Reef.

4. Heritage Shotgun

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The Heritage shotgun is a slow shooting shotgun that can shoot at long range. Depending on the situation, Colt can transform this shotgun from a mid-range rifle to a short-range shotgun. The only downside to this weapon is the slow rate of fire, which is why it’s ranked as the worst legendary weapon in the Deathloop. Unlocking this gun can be difficult at first, but there are plenty of guides to assist you in completing the challenges for this weapon.

Best used for: close to mid-ranged combat


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This scoped sniper acts pretty much like your basic sniper in many other first-person shooters, the only thing is there’s nothing else quite like it in this game. Out of all the Deathloop weapons, this one is the most accurate with the added perk of letting you hold your breath for the most accurate shot. On top of that, the longer you hold the trigger, the more damage it does before it caps out at a certain point. If you plan to take out eternalists from a distance, this is the very best option.

Best used for: long distance

2. Constancy Automatic

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The Constancy Automatic is a full-auto pistol with high accuracy and a fast rate of fire. This gun has two clips on the side, so Colt can reload while he’s still shooting so the fun never stops. The constancy Automatic is great for many situations but it’s at its best when clearing out large rooms full of enemies.

Best used for: clearing enemies quickly

1. Strelak Verso

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The Strelak Verso gets points for style and versatility. Arguably the best-looking gun in the game, the Strelak Verso features a shiny coat of paint that makes it look like Colt’s signature weapon. The best part of this gun is that Colt can transform from dual-wielded pistols to an SMG with the push of a button. Plus, you have to admit, the animation between transformations is cool as well. Overall, the Strelak Verso is the best gun in the game because of its unique style and versatility, making it good for almost all situations.

Best used for: any loud combat moments

This list may play out differently depending on the type of playstyle you have, but overall, most would agree with how the Deathloop weapons are ranked in this list. For more on Deathloop, be sure to check out our homepage. As always, thanks for reading. Stay Gritty, Gamers!


  • Curry

    Curry is the creator and head writer of Gritty Gamer. Any editing needs Gritty Gamer has is done by Curry including podcast episodes, YouTube Videos, and sound production. On his free time Curry is hanging out with his siberian husky while playing video games or watching anime.

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