FromSoftware has been known for making one of the most difficult games out there and Elden Ring is no exception. Coming with exceptionally well-hidden mechanisms, no starting guide, and various classes to choose from, you are ought to be confused. Just like any other souls game, the starting point is selecting a class and that makes all the difference in your Elden Ring journey.
If you are new to the game, selecting something difficult like Wretch will punish you later. Don’t worry because in this article we are going to discuss the Elden Ring Best Class for Beginners. So, without any further delay, let’s hop into the details.
Top Beginner Class in Elden Ring
There are around 10 classes in Elden Ring to choose from. We can’t discuss all of them as most are probably not so beginner-friendly. Rather, we will discuss the Best Class for Beginners in Elden Ring below to help you in your journey.
We are also going to divide the starter classes into three segments; the good old melee classes, the hybrid ones, and the ranged class.
Elden Ring Melee Beginner Class
Best Beginner Class- Vagabond

It isn’t a secret that Vagabond is considered most suitable for beginners and there is a reason behind its popularity. First of all, this class comes with the most vigor, meaning it has better health than other classes. More health means you will most probably be able to survive difficult situations.
It also comes with a great base for you to start your game like strength, dexterity, endurance, and so on. You also don’t have to worry about other mechanics of the game as a beginner because you play with the same old Sword and Shield. All in one, Vagabond is considered Elden Ring Best Class for Beginners.
Best Beginner Class- Hero

Vagabond and Hero Elden Ring classes aren’t that far apart from one another. Hero also focuses mostly on the melee build and its main attribute is strength. Each hit you deliver deals massive damage to enemies. Well, one of the easier methods to bypass Elden Ring Difficulty is dealing massive damage with your hits.
Don’t get the idea wrong here, Hero class is also very durable but it doesn’t touch the magic part of the game which makes things much simpler for beginners.
Elden Ring Hybrid Beginner Class
Best Beginner Class- Samurai

Getting started with Elden Ring, you probably have heard of Samurai and why wouldn’t it be so. Samurai is one of the most good-looking and versatile classes in Elden Ring and is also good to handle as a beginner.
It is a Hybrid Class meaning you can go for both the melee and ranged build with this class. Samurai build comes with Endurance as its main focus. You deal a ton of damage to enemies and have a good physical defense as well.
If you can’t handle enemies on melee sometimes as an Elden Ring Beginner, you can choose the Samurai class to add range into the mix.
Best Beginner Class- Prisoner

Just like Samurai, the Prisoner class is a hybrid of melee weapons and magic. When starting, if you don’t want to go with the same old gameplay, your best bet as a beginner is prisoner class.
It comes with a combination of Intelligence, Strength, and Dexterity. You can use weapons for melee and when a certain enemy is not resistive to magic, you can use magic to kill the enemy.
All in one, you can call Prisoner a durable Astrologer, and your main magic here is associated with conjuring weapons.
Elden Ring Ranged Beginner Class
Best Beginner Class- Astrologer
It isn’t a secret that Ranged Spells in Elden Ring are too OP. They were also good for beginners in other Souls games but in Elden Ring, they are on another level. Things get a bit complex when you dive into the realm of magic, spells, and certain attributes like faith, arcane, intelligence, and so on.
The Elden Ring Best Class for Beginners in ranged magic is none other than Astrologer. The main attributes here are Mind, Intelligence, and Dexterity while you have to keep Endurance in check as well.
An astrologer is fragile so you have to use mostly ranged spells like Glintstone pebble. There are other OP spells in the game as well that makes things seem effortless for a beginner. You just have to keep your Mana (Blue Bar) in check.
Final Verdict
Elden Ring is a genuinely difficult game to master but you can take various paths that make the game relatively effortless. The ranged or magic classes make the game seem too easy if mana is taken care of. Melee class, on the other hand, is exceptional for people who don’t want to go into the difficult mechanics of the game but you are closer to enemies.
Lastly, the hybrid classes are in between two, but you have to take care of two segments at once. All in one, this article is all about Elden Ring Best Beginner Classes to help you choose the perfect class for yourself as a beginner. For more on Elden Ring be sure to check out our homepage. As always, thanks for reading. Stay Gritty, Gamers!