
10 Crazy Fall Guys Mini-Games That Will Make You Want To Pull Your Hair Out!

The success we’ve seen from Fall Guys has been impressive. The amount of growth we’ve seen from the community of Fall Guys player base has been even more impressive. But, it’s no surprise considering how fun Fall Guys is.

And I mean it is SUPER FUN!

Although this game can leave you chuckling like a toddler, a few of the mini-games will make you want to throw your controller at the wall during an aggressive tantrum.

Here Are 10 Fall Guys Mini-Games That Will Make You Want To Pull Your Hair Out

10. Fruit Chute

fall guys mini-games fruit chute

In Fruit Chute, much like most of the fall guys mini-games, your aim is to make it to the end of the course in time to qualify for the next round. The catch? You have to dodge gigantic fruit as it bounces off a conveyor belt that is carrying you away from the finish line. On top of that, you have to dodge clumsy players who don’t know how to maneuver around the fruit. 9 times out of 10, the other players will be your demise. As you dodge the fruit, one misstep from another player will make you lose progress and potentially push you off the edge.

9. Gate Crash

fall guys mini-games gate crash

Gate Crash is the simplest of the fall guys mini-games, and the simplicity is what makes it so difficult (if that makes sense). In gate crash, your objective is to move through a set of gates that are moving up and down in a timely manner. In the beginning, there are many gates for players to jump through. As you progress through the course, you begin to run out of options. This is where the frustration begins.

With so many other players trying to squeeze their way through the same gates, you’re left tumbling on the ground like a rag-doll when players bump you. And since this game is so simple, almost everyone is progressing at the same speed. If you make it through this course without touching another Fall Guy, kudos to you.

8. The Whirlygig

fall guys mini-games whirlygig

Am I the only one who thinks about the “whirly dirly” from that Rick and Morty episode whenever I see the name of this course? No? Okay…

Anyway, in the whirlygig, you have to run through a series of propelling fans and rotating sticks to make it to the end. On top of that, you have to use your frail fall guy’s arms to pull yourself up a ledge so you can move on. To be fair, if you can time it right, you can just jump on a smaller ledge and jump past all the other struggling fall guys who’re trying to climb the ledge. Parkour!

This course may sound easy, but it can be difficult. Timing is everything. The developers did a good job of filling players with false hope by making them believe they can get pass the big fan in the middle. You’ll know what I’m talking about once you play this course.

Tip: Use some of the spinning obstacles to push you forward

7. Tail Tag

fall guys mini-games tail tag

The point of tail tag is to grab a tail and to make sure you have one before the clock runs out. There are only a few tails, and you have to grab one from another player to secure a qualifying position for yourself.

This game really isn’t the worst, but when a savvy player comes up and snatches your tail just before the clock strikes zero, you’ll undoubtedly stomp your feet on the ground in rage. Well, at least I did. Oddly, I’m not ashamed to admit that.

6. Hoopsie Daisy

fall guys mini-games hoopsie daisy

You know that guy that will does the same thing over and over again thinking he’ll get a different result? Well, there are a lot of those guys in hoopsie daisy.

Hoopsie Daisy is a team based game that requires all players on your team to display a good degree of timing and coordination to complete. Players have to jump through hoops score points for their team. The problem is that the hoops are in awkward positions, so you have to approach the hoops a certain way. Despite this, I find that some players will try the same jump multiple times, not realizing that they have to slightly tweak their approach to score the point. By the time I decide to go help them, an enemy player comes in and jumps through the ring before me.

5. Slime Climb

fall guys mini-games slime climb

Make it up the course before the slime touches you. That’s it. Seems simple enough but, its not that easy.

In slime climb, you have to make it through a bunch of different moving obstacles as you go up a hill to the top. The course is so compact and I find myself bumping into players more than the number of steps I’ve taken. Each bump slows you down causing you to get closer and closer to the deadly slime. All the obstacles are designed to push you closer to the slime anyway. If you touch it, its instant eliminations.

4. Door Dash

fall guys mini-games door dash

Like a few of the Fall Guys mini-games, this course requires a little bit of luck to get through. In door dash, you have to jump toward doors to break them open and move along through the course. The only thing is that some of the doors are real and some are fake. there’s no way of knowing which is which. When you get toward the end, you only have a few doors to jump through, and literally everyone else in the game is trying to squeeze through the same one.

Tip: Jump-Dive your way to victory

3. Tip-Toe

fall guys mini-games tip toe

Yet another one of the Fall Guys mini-games that require a bit of luck. Either that or patience.

In tip toe, you have to walk through a path of real and fake tiles to get to the finish line at the opposite side. Once again, there’s no way of knowing which one’s are real and which one’s are fake. If you fall, you have to start at the beginning of the course again and go back through.

Once you step on a real tile, it highlights, letting the rest of the players know it was real. So in this game, you have everyone standing still on one tile until one person has the courage to take that dangerous step. It’s hilarious watching this play out.

Tip: Wait it out and let the other guys find the path and at the end, swoop in and make it across the finish line

2. Rock n’ Roll

fall guys mini-games rock n' roll

In Rock n’ Roll, you have to work with your team to push your over sized ball across the finish line. This requires a team effort, as you have to make your way through a set of speed bumps and other obstacles that can slow you down.

The problem is that most players like to leave their ball and go bother the other team’s progress by blocking them. This can be a great strategy, but only if your team is evenly dispersed between blockers and pushers. Majority of the time, I’m left with a team that focuses all their effort on disturbing the other team, making it impossible to push our ball to victory.

1. See-Saw

fall guys mini-games see saw

This is my favorite out of all the Fall Guys mini-games but this one is the most frustrating.

The point of see-saw is to jump across a series of obstacles that behave like, you guessed it, see-saws. It’s really not that hard, but it seems like a lot of players don’t know how to properly distribute weight. So, most of the time, the see-saw is stuck in a vertical position because all the players decided to jump on one side, making it almost impossible to progress.

Tip: Patience my friend… If you see a bunch of players rushing to the same see-saw just back up and wait. Let them take themselves out.

Despite all the frustration, all these fall guys mini-games are a lot of fun and I keep coming back for more.

Which of these courses do you find the most frustrating?

As always, thanks for reading. Stay Gritty, Gamers!


  • Curry

    Curry is the creator and head writer of Gritty Gamer. Any editing needs Gritty Gamer has is done by Curry including podcast episodes, YouTube Videos, and sound production. On his free time Curry is hanging out with his siberian husky while playing video games or watching anime.

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