
10 Things We Learned From The Resident Evil Village Showcase

The Resident Evil Village showcase has just ended and we got a good look at what to expect. During the live stream event, we got a chance to look at gameplay footage captured on the PS5, a view of some of the combat mechanics, and much much more!

If you didn’t get a chance to see the live stream event, or you need some help unpacking everything you just saw, we got you covered! Keep reading on. Here are 10 things we learned from the Resident Evil Village showcase.

10. Ethan Makes A Return

10 Things We Learned From The Resident Evil Village Showcase 1

Yes, we’ll be embarking on another first-person Resident Evil experience as Ethan once again. In a whole new environment, with new enemies and brand new challenges. After watching the Resident Evil Village showcase, we can see that there is going to be plenty of danger out there for Ethan Winters.

Nothing he can’t handle, right?

9. Resident Evil Village New Enemies

the tall woman

From what we’ve seen there are plenty of enemies to worry about when exploring the village. The most notable enemy we got a chance to see was the woman we all referred to as the “tall lady.” We can now see that the tall lady has two daughters who stab Ethan Winters with a hook and drags him across the building to greet their eager mother.

We also got a chance to see a variety of other enemies as Ethan used every weapon in his arsenal to fend them off. Some of the enemies look like they can be werewolves and others are skeletons.

Each enemy has their own way of fighting, keeping players on their toes as they take on a new challenge.

8. Ethan Can Block

ethan can block

A well-timed block can save your life in any game and Resident Evil Village looks like it won’t be any different. There was a moment in the showcase where Ethan was bombarded by what looked like corpses with long swords, and he had no choice but to fight them off. As one of the enemies attacked Ethan, he was able to block the blow with his bare arms.

One thing you may notice when watching Ethan block was that his arms completely covered the screen. In other words, the players will have a hard time seeing while they are in the middle of blocking upcoming attacks, which makes Ethan slightly vulnerable as he fends off enemies.

7. There Will Be Crafting Mechanics

crafting mechanics

The user interface looks similar to what we had in Resident Evil 7 and now we can see that crafting will be a part of the game as well. Ethan will be able to craft items needed for survival similar to what we saw in the previous installment to the franchise.

6. The Setting Is Visually Stunning

resident evil 8 environment

What else would you expect from a game developed for next-gen? The Resident Evil Village showcase gave a clear look at some of the different settings we would be exploring and they all look amazing. From old-timey Victorian homes to the muggy cellars, there will be plenty of areas for us to explore giving us a lot of variety.

5. The Merchant (The Duke) Comes Back

the duke

The merchant from Resident Evil 4 makes a return giving us the opportunity to buy and sell weapons. The developers have stated that they wanted to give him a unique look for Resident Evil Village. the developers have also stated, “you’ll often find him in different situations each time you encounter him.”

The Duke has a tight suit he tries to force over his huge belly and he’s seen sitting inside a carriage waiting for Ethan’s arrival.

4. There Are Extra Objectives

bonus objectives

During the video, we can see Ethan exploring a bloody cellar only to take notice of a mechanical goat. This collectible item was noticed because Ethan could hear a rhythmic chime coming from behind him.

The developers have indicated there are going to be side objectives outside of the main ones, giving players more incentive to explore the environment.

3. Ethan Winters Is Infamous

ethan is infamous

There was a couple of moments during the Resident Evil Village showcase where Ethan encountered a new character. These characters may be new to us, but they have shown that they already know who Ethan Winters is. Perhaps his heroic survival in Resident Evil 7 has given Ethan a good reputation strong enough for members of the village to take notice.

At one point, the tall lady even speaks about some of the events that took place in Resident Evil 7 and refers to one of the characters as her brother.

2. The PS5 Demo “Maiden” Is Available Now

ps5 demo out now

PS5 owners will be happy to know that they are able to get a small taste of what Resident Evil Village has to offer in the new demo available exclusively to PS5 owners right now. During this demo, you won’t play as Ethan, but you’ll play as a character named “Maiden.”

This demo won’t feature combat, so this may be more of an opportunity for PS5 owners to get feel for the environment, taking full advantage of the PS5 hardware.

1. Resident Evil Village Will Be Available On Current-Gen

resident evil village release date

There was speculation that Resident Evil Village was only going to be available for PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC, but the showcase has confirmed a different story. Both owners of the nect-gen consoles and current-gen consoles will be able to experience the next installment to the Resident Evil franchise.

Resident Evil Village will be available on May 7, 2021 and pre-orders are available now with plenty of bundles for fans to get into.

For more on Resident Evil Village, be sure to sign up for our newsletter below. As always, thanks for reading. Stay Gritty, Gamers!


  • Curry

    Curry is the creator and head writer of Gritty Gamer. Any editing needs Gritty Gamer has is done by Curry including podcast episodes, YouTube Videos, and sound production. On his free time Curry is hanging out with his siberian husky while playing video games or watching anime.