
5 Deathloop Beginner Tips That Will Make The Game A Lot More Fun

If you’re like me, you’re having a lot of fun with Deathloop. Only thing is, the game was very difficult to grasp at the beginning with all the different mechanics we had to learn. After over 15 hours of playing through the story and experimenting with the many different weapons and abilities, I have become familiar with what works and what doesn’t.

Here are 5 Deathloop beginner tips to make your looping sessions a lot easier.

5. Deathloop Best Weapons Loadout

In Deathloop, you will be introduced to a wide range of different weapons with special perks for using them. There are four different weapon categories to choose from in Black Reef which is, pistols, shotguns, SMGs, and snipers. All of which give you a specific advantage when engaging in combat with the residents and visionaries of Black Reef. For the Deathloop beginner, you should focus mainly on two weapons; the nail gun, and a shotgun.

Silenced Weapons

Colt using the Nailgun

The nail gun is the go-to silenced weapon and it happens to be the first silenced weapon you will come across. With the nail gun, Colt can take out enemies swiftly and quietly, giving ample opportunity to sneak around all enemies. Now, since the nail gun doesn’t have a quick rate of fire and it won’t do much damage unless you are aiming for the head, it isn’t the best weapon to use when engaging multiple enemies at once. However, if your goal is to stay incognito the entire time, then this is the best gun for you.

But, what about those moments when you do decide to take out an entire room full of enemies? Well, that’s when the shotgun comes into play.


Shotguns are another category of weapon that every Deathloop beginner should have in their arsenal. For those moments where you have no choice but to hunker down and face off against a room full of baddies, the shotgun is the number one option. Nothing takes out multiple enemies quicker or more efficiently than a simple shotgun. The best thing about it is that the shotgun has a nice rate of fire. So don’t stop squeezing the trigger and all your hostile problems should be dealt with in no time.

With the two weapons mentioned above, you are ready for most situations in Black Reef. Just be on the lookout for Julianna.

4. Deathloop Best Slabs And Upgrades

Slabs are the items in Deathloop that give Colt his supernatural abilities. You can claim these slabs after taking out Julianna if she ever invades your game, or after killing a visionary who possesses one. There are many different slabs and upgrades to choose from, and they all cater to specific play styles, but the shift slab is probably the most useful one of them all.

Shift Slab

deathloop beginners shift slab

The shift slab is a great item for both Deathloop beginners and experts alike. The shift slab gives Colt the ability to teleport at a short distance, which sounds simple but it’s super helpful. As Colt shifts from place to place, he won’t make any noise, allowing for perfect opportunities to infiltrate buildings. The shift slab also makes it easier to evade enemy trip mines and reach places that are usually out of reach for Colt. Overall, the shift slab is the best ability that Colt possesses.

Upgrades for the Shift Slab

The best upgrade for the shift slab would be the upgrade that allows Colt to increase its distance. This will make the shift slab even more effective win traversal.

3. Check Every Nook and Cranny

You’ll do yourself a huge favor if you get into the habit of fully exploring early on. Deathloop is a mystery. Colt has no idea why he’s living the same day over and over again, and neither do you. Your only way to unravel the mysteries of Black Reef is to read notes and listen to recordings left by the residents of this party town. The more you search, the more you’ll find out, and ultimately the more gear you’ll come across.

So get into the habit of slowing down and search every nook and cranny. Many clues can be easily missed.

2. Kick People… No, Seriously

One thing you’ll learn early is that Colt has a leg like Ronaldo and you should use it to your advantage. Maybe the developers made a mistake by making Colt’s kicks so powerful, so be sure to take advantage of Colt’s mean leg and soccer kick every enemy who gets too close. The result? You’ll send the enemies stumbling back like a ragdoll, leaving an opening for a quick finisher. Don’t worry, there’s no one around to issue a red card so kick until your heart’s content.

1. Take Advantage Of The Glowing Items

As you explore Black Reef, you may notice that there are random items lying around that emit a faint colorful mist. These items are the key to ensuring that Colt bolsters an amazing arsenal of weapons for many days to come. At some point in the game, Colt will gain the ability to absorb these items and use them to infuse his weapons so that he will always have them at the start of the next day. The glowing items around the map are there for Colt to absorb them and collect residuum to infuse his weapons. The more glowing items Colt absorbs, the more items he can potentially infuse.

One more tip. Be sure to use all of your residuum before the start of the next day because it doesn’t carry over.

Hopefully, this deathloop beginner list will be of use to anyone just starting their mission against the visionaries. As always, thanks for reading. Stay Gritty, Gamers!


  • Curry

    Curry is the creator and head writer of Gritty Gamer. Any editing needs Gritty Gamer has is done by Curry including podcast episodes, YouTube Videos, and sound production. On his free time Curry is hanging out with his siberian husky while playing video games or watching anime.