
Last of Us 2 Spoiler Cast – Gritty Gamer Podcast (Ep. 41)

Last of Us 2 Spoler Cast Transcript

On Last of Us 2 Combat

Curry: What’s everybody? Welcome to another episode of the Gritty Gamer Podcast. I’m your host, Curry, joined by my good friend and co-host, Vance. 

Vance: What’s up?

Curry: How you feeling, man?

Vance: Man, Just got off work.

Curry: Did you wipe your tears away from the game? How you feel, you alright?

Vance: I ain’t have no tears. That was you and your other Last of Us buddies.

Curry:   Naw it was sad, man. So if you haven’t read the title, it’s going to be The Last of Us 2 Spoiler Cast so this is your only chance to turn back now because we are going in depth into the entire game, plot points and everything, so let’s get straight down to the nitty gritty. 

Vance: Don’t come back until you finish the game or you just don’t care.

Curry:  Yeah for real. I think a lot of people  just you know just want to hear what happened and I think those are the ones who kind of miss out on how good the story is cuz majority of the people I see online are complaining about the story.  But we’re going to get all into it, man so in a nutshell, how you like it? how you like combat, how you like the game, period. How do you feel about it?

Vance: I thought it was good, man.  I don’t have  a problem with it like everybody else. I mean the combat is the same as the first one. The only difference they added was the prone. That’s literally the only thing they changed. They added that you can crawl now, but other than that, everything is the same, I think. 

Curry: I mean, we still got a couple little things that are kind of different with Ellie at least. She got the unlimited shivs. She had a little knife you know I mean that’s one thing I like about playing as her. We got a lot more weapons. 

Vance: I mean it’s a knife, I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t have a knife. 

Curry: Yeah, you would think that would be common knowledge for everyone to have a knife. But it would be too easy I think, for real.

Vance: They supposed to be surviving, you trying to make it harder?

Curry: I mean as far as the game, because you know how Abby is when you play with her. But um… yeah with Ellie, you got the bow now, that’s one of the things I like about her. If you get a headshot, (some of the times) you get to pick your arrow back up. 

Couple of new items you can craft like the mines and stuff like that. I enjoyed everything, man. The environment, they changed that up a little bit, with the tall grass, you can sneak through the tall grass and shit. 

last of us 2

Vance: Or you can crawl through the short grass.

Curry: The thing I like the most about combat is the way that everybody reacts to what you are doing. You know what I mean?

When I first heard about people talking about it, they kind of made it seem more than what it was with how the NPC’s, mainly humans, learn about where you are and go from there, like if they see a blood trail or something like that. It’s not that in-depth, but if you shoot somebody from a distance, even with a silencer they’ll be like, “Oh my god, I think it came from over there!” Do you know what I mean? This game did a good job of showing that everybody has their own lives. I mean like, every dog had a name, every human had a name. 

Vance: I don’t think I heard the same name twice. 

Curry: Exactly! I was thinking the same thing. I don’t think I heard the same name twice either. Everyone is out surviving in their own way and they think they’re doing the right thing. It kind of puts you in that place that the world doesn’t revolve around Ellie. They kind of made that a point when you played as all these different characters anyway. You got a chance to play as Joel for a second, Abby.

So, I kinda like how they did that man, it gives you a different perspective and just the environment alone wasn’t it a big difference from the first one? Graphics-wise, of course, but just the environment and how rich it was, and how many different options you had to take out everybody in the game. How do you feel about that? Do you see a big difference? 

Vance: What you mean by different options?

Curry: I mean in the first one, you had this little small cluster of area. It wasn’t as much space.  

Vance: Just how big the combat area is or something?

Curry: It was one point where you first got into the wolves as Ellie and it was like 5 or 6 different houses. It was like 4 on one side and a few on the other and it was a backyard. I had killed at least 10 wolves and it was still more. I still didn’t get to the point where Ellie was like, “oh my God, its finally over.” She never said that. I was like, “how many fuckin’ wolves is it?”

Vance: Did you like that? Did you like that it was more enemies to kill?

Curry: I definitely did like it, because it gave me the opportunity to try out different things you know what I mean? And that was the first encounter so you’re on edge a Lil bit because you don’t have all your equipment and you don’t have all your supplement upgrades and stuff like that. 

Vance: I mean it was cool. For me, it was like um. I always play stealthy so I didn’t have a variety of how I attacked unless I got caught then I would use everything. As far as stealth goes, I think it was pretty cool. They had a lot of places where you could hide bodies. You can’t really hide bodies, but like if you hit them in the right moment in the tall grass they’ll fall down and they’ll technically be hidden unless someone else happens to walk down the same path. 

A lot of games where 2 characters are talking (2 NPCs) and you might kill one of them while they are having a conversation with each other and the other one might not even acknowledge it. Here they do. So if someone is having a convo and then you attack them, then they’ll be like, “so what did you think about that? Hey, do you hear me?” It makes it more intense.

That’s why I always wait until they’re done talking so they won’t be on high alert. They actually notice that. So if someone is posted in one spot and someone else is going around the building and you take out that person in that one spot they’ll be like,  “uh, where the fuck he go?” So I like the realism of that. 

Curry: That’s what I’m saying man, they really made the combat more in depth in a lot of different ways. One thing I did like too, was the variety of different enemies. You had 3 different sets of enemies. You had the wolves, Seraphites, and Rattlers. They all had they’re own little thing that was different. The wolves had dogs. The Rattlers had dogs and helmets too and they had the best gear out of everybody.

Vance: And they had Zombies, so you could use the Zombies against them too. 

Curry: That was pissing me off like sometimes I couldn’t’ get the shot off when they were chained up. 


Continued on Podcast

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  • Curry

    Curry is the creator and head writer of Gritty Gamer. Any editing needs Gritty Gamer has is done by Curry including podcast episodes, YouTube Videos, and sound production. On his free time Curry is hanging out with his siberian husky while playing video games or watching anime.

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