
Casting the Ultimate Red Dead Redemption Movie

Red Dead Redemption is undeniably one of Rockstar’s crown jewels. With the surge of video game adaptations hitting the big screen—like Fallout, Borderlands, and The Last of Us—it’s only natural to wonder when Rockstar will take the plunge with a Red Dead Redemption movie.

The narrative of Red Dead Redemption is practically begging to be transformed into an epic screenplay. Anyone who has played either Red Dead Redemption or its prequel, Red Dead Redemption 2, knows the game is packed with thrilling action, rich character development, and heart-wrenching moments. Finishing Red Dead Redemption 1 was undoubtedly one of the most emotional gaming experiences I’ve ever had (if you’ve played it, you know exactly what I mean). The ending of Red Dead 1 softened the blow for Red Dead 2 because we knew what was coming—otherwise, it would have been just as devastating.

With all this in mind, a Red Dead Redemption movie would be a sure bet, as certain as a sharpshooter’s aim in a high-noon showdown. Here’s my ideal cast for a Red Dead Redemption movie.

(This list contains spoilers and covers Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2.)

Uncle – Jack Black

Jack Black as Uncle - Red Dead 2 Redemption 2 Movie

Let’s kick things off with one of the characters who injects some much-needed comic relief into the story. Amid all the gunslinging, horse riding, and bank robbing, Uncle provides moments of fun with his booze-fueled antics.

Uncle isn’t exactly the most useful character in the game. He rode with Dutch’s gang in Red Dead 2 and spent his later years with John Marston in Red Dead 1 (for those unfamiliar, RDR2 is a prequel). Uncle is almost always seen with a bottle of booze—or searching for one. Who better to play this role than Jack Black? They share a similar physicality, and Black has the comedic chops to nail the role of a drunken fool. With that said, Uncle is a bit slower and more methodical, so Black would need to dial back his usual high-energy antics. All in all, this would be an excellent casting choice.

Reverend Swanson – Willem Dafoe

Willem Dafoe as Reverend Swanson

Reverend Swanson is a character shrouded in mystery at first (much like many others in the game), but as you spend time in camp, the puzzle of Swanson’s mind starts to piece together.

Swanson is a deeply complicated man, haunted by the demons of his past. He constantly grapples with his inner turmoil, often turning to substance abuse to cope. Despite his struggles, Swanson has moments of clarity and redemption in RDR2.

Willem Dafoe would be perfect for this role. With his incredible range, we’ve seen Dafoe play everything from a mild-mannered scientist turned madman in Spider-Man to a soldier wrestling with despair in Platoon. These roles demonstrate how well Dafoe could embody Swanson—a man perpetually at war with his thoughts and sense of self-worth.

Sadie Adler – Margot Robbie

Margot Robbie as Sadie Adler

Sadie Adler undergoes one of the most dramatic character transformations in the entire series. Initially, she may seem like a damsel in distress after the O’Driscolls murdered her husband, but according to Sadie herself, she was always a tough, tomboyish rustler.

Sadie is a no-nonsense character who doesn’t take crap from anyone and can be quite reckless at times. With nothing left to lose after her past life is destroyed, she finds solace in a gang of misfits, a transition she makes with ease.

Margot Robbie would be an ideal choice to capture Sadie’s essence. Her portrayal of Harley Quinn showcases her ability to bring a chaotic, complex character to life. While Sadie isn’t as unhinged as Harley, Robbie could easily bridge the gap between a once-happy wife and a vengeance-driven widow. It would make for some riveting scenes.

Mary Linton – Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman as Mary Linton

Throughout Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan (and the player) wrestles with the constant struggle between honor and survival. Arthur is a fiercely loyal man, easy to understand as you follow him through his adventures.

However, there is one person from his past who reminds us that Arthur is human and susceptible to love, just like anyone else—Mary Linton.

It’s clear that Mary loves Arthur, and he loves her too, but their lives are too different for it to work out. Mary knows Arthur will “never change.” When casting this role, Natalie Portman immediately comes to mind. Mary shares a similar appearance with Natalie, and I have no doubt Portman could convey the complicated romance between Mary and Arthur.

Abigail Marston – Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis as Abigail Marston

Abigail is one of those characters who may not be at the forefront, but still plays a pivotal role in the story of both Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2. She is John’s wife and Jack’s mother. While her backstory isn’t deeply explored (though we do learn that many members of the gang had romantic entanglements with her), to us, she has always been with John.

Abigail is a fiery character, never afraid to speak her mind and certainly not one to take any crap—especially from John. As strong as John is, he always strives to keep his wife happy, underscoring how formidable she can be.

Mila Kunis would be a great fit for Abigail. Kunis has shown she can deliver witty one-liners and sharp retorts, both of which are essential to Abigail’s character. Plus, it wouldn’t be hard to imagine Kunis bringing Abigail to life on screen.

Lenny Summers – Tyler James Williams

Tyler James Williams as Lenny Summers

If you’ve ever ventured into the comment sections related to Red Dead Redemption 2, you’ve likely encountered someone shouting “LENNNYYY!” This, of course, refers to the mission where Arthur and Lenny go out for a wild night on the town, resulting in one of the game’s most memorable and hilarious moments.

This mission highlights how loveable Lenny is as a character. He’s one of the younger members of Dutch’s gang but more than pulls his weight, often going above and beyond. So who could bring such an endearing character to life on screen? After much consideration, I believe Tyler James Williams could do the job.

This choice may seem unconventional to some, but Williams has never been cast as a ruthless character, which could work in his favor when portraying Lenny. Lenny is a dedicated member of the gang, not the first to draw his gun. Williams fits the part and has the range to make Lenny a standout character.

Hosea Matthews – Kevin Bacon

Kevin Bacon as Hosea Mathews

Hosea is the brains of the gang, a master con artist who could sell sand to an armadillo. His quick wit often leaves people unaware of what just happened—or why they handed over their money. That’s the charm of Hosea. I always enjoyed the missions where he and Arthur would chat while running errands for the gang. So who could step into Hosea’s shoes for a Red Dead Redemption movie?

Kevin Bacon is my top pick. The resemblance is uncanny, and a seasoned actor like Bacon could effortlessly bring Hosea to life on the big screen. Picture Bacon as the smooth-talking con artist, though not quite as reliable in a fight this time around.

John Marston – Norman Reedus

Norman Reedus as John Marston

Now we come to one of my all-time favorite video game characters and why I nearly cried at the end of Red Dead Redemption 1. John Marston is one of the most beloved characters in the series—and for good reason.

John is an honorable man who grew up with a band of misfits. Though he was taught the ways of the outlaw, he finds that the life of a gunslinger isn’t what he truly wants—yet he can’t outrun his past.

John needs to be played by someone equally as beloved—someone with a cult-like following. Who better than Norman Reedus?

Reedus and John share a striking resemblance, and Reedus is a well-liked actor who has already successfully crossed over between video games, TV series, and movies. He may be more monotone than John, but all the other aspects of his character would translate perfectly to John Marston.

Dutch Van Der Linde – Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Jeffery Dean Morgan as Dutch Van Der Linde

Dutch’s fall from grace is one of the most compelling story arcs in the Red Dead series. Dutch is the silver-tongued leader of the gang, seemingly in control at the outset of their journey. His decisions are sharp, precise, and quick. He does what he can for his people, and they return the favor—but at some point, something changes in Dutch.

Dutch is the true villain of the Red Dead series. We watch as he unravels, constantly putting his beloved gang in harm’s way. Considering these aspects, Jeffrey Dean Morgan is the best choice for playing Dutch.

We’ve seen Morgan take on a similar role in The Walking Dead. He could easily bring Dutch to life with enthusiasm. Morgan has played hero (Supernatural) and villain (The Walking Dead), both of which are essential elements of Dutch’s character.

Arthur Morgan – Roger Clark

Roger Clark as Arthur Morgan

Finally, we reach our protagonist. Arthur Morgan is a man who constantly teeters between being honorable and dishonorable, often conflicted about the decisions he makes. Arthur’s character has so many layers that would translate beautifully to the big screen, giving us a deeper look into a man trying to do the right thing, though often falling short.

Arthur is the first to step up in a fight and the main contributor to Dutch’s gang. Despite being an exceptional gunslinger (second only to John), he remains loyal to Dutch because that’s all he’s known since childhood.

When considering who could play Arthur, I settled on Roger Clark—Arthur Morgan’s voice actor. Not only does Clark bear a striking resemblance to Arthur, but he could also embody the character physically, as seen in the motion capture sessions for the game. Clark has already proven he can deliver Arthur’s complex emotions, from his loyalty to Dutch to his struggle with morality. Given the strong connection fans have with Clark’s portrayal, it would be a natural choice to have him step into the role for the film.

Final Thoughts

The Red Dead Redemption series has captivated millions with its compelling storylines, unforgettable characters, and breathtaking landscapes. Bringing it to the big screen with the right cast could make for one of the greatest video game adaptations ever produced. While this cast is just a dream for now, it perfectly captures the essence of each character, ensuring that the magic of Red Dead Redemption will be preserved in its cinematic adaptation.

Until then, we’ll continue riding through the Wild West, living out the adventures of Arthur Morgan and John Marston in one of the most richly detailed worlds ever created in gaming.

Stay Gritty, Gamers!


  • Curry

    Curry is the creator and head writer of Gritty Gamer. Any editing needs Gritty Gamer has is done by Curry including podcast episodes, YouTube Videos, and sound production. On his free time Curry is hanging out with his siberian husky while playing video games or watching anime.

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